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Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite is another term for fat deposits usually found on women's stomachs, hips, thighs and buttocks. It is more common on women because they store fat in a honeycomb structure, which often shows through when skin becomes thinner. When connective tissues weaken, close to 90 percent of women can expect to have cellulite. 

The causes of cellulite include changes in metabolism, physiology, diet and exercise habits, sex-specific dimorphic skin architecture, alteration of connective tissue structure, hormonal factors, genetic factors, the microcirculatory system, the extracellular matrix, and subtle inflammatory alterations.

Blizz offers noninvasive treatment claims to deliver a quick and painless way to reduce fat and tighten the skin. Using radiofrequency energy directly to the targeted fat cells, it applies heat to the affected area and destroys these cells only, without damaging the skin or surrounding muscles or tissues. “Though considered a fat-removal technique, it is often coupled with NSLS to help with improving the appearance of cellulite,” Clients are positioned on a treatment table and the Sculpt device is directed toward the intended area of the abdomen, a slight warming sensation is often felt, but no pain or discomfort is typically associated with this procedure.”